Donna Draper

Homeopath & Holistic Healthcare Practitioner

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Beautiful Day! Amazing healing plants! Homeopathic spotlight ….

What a great weekend it’s been for getting some jobs done in the garden!! Clearing up the debris from the recent bad weather, has giveme the opportunity, yet again, to marvel at Mother Nature’s fortitude and resilience. I have been privileged to be joined by bumble bees, ladybirds Jackdawand I’ve had fleeting glances of some butterflies. I have been visited by a wonderful array of birds. A pair of Jackdaw’s building their nest in a neighbours chimney and were quite noisy during their construction work! In stark contrast a Robin serenaded me from the trees above where I was working. I believe he was frustrated that I was turning over lots of tasty bugs and he couldn’t get them while I was in the way! Even a (not so) shy Jay made an appearance at one point. I have a regular pair of visiting ducks whoJay dropped in briefly on their way to the village pond  and a coot who decided that there was too much activity in the garden for his liking. Blackbirds, sparrows, dunnocks, tits of various types, doves, pigeons, magpies, seagulls and some starlings were amongst others who passed by. 

Not only do many of our plants offer so much in the way of nutrition for us and other species, they also possess astounding healing properties, many of which have, sadly, been forgotten or overlooked by mainstream allopathic medicine. Plants and trees have been used curatively by our forebears to great effect, both in their natural state or prepared into other forms,  maybe as essential oils, tinctures or creams and, of course, they have been prepared for use homeopathically.  It shouldn’t be forgotten that plants and trees also possess great spiritual healing powers, too.

The main focus of my commentary today is about the Homeopathic use of some of these plants. Whilst appreciating the wonderful abundance in my garden, (both planned and unplanned) I have been thinking about how some of the plants are used medicinally from a holistic homeopathic viewpoint. I don’t want to go into the actual process involved in making homeopathic remedies or explain in great detail how homeopathy works – that may be a topic for another day! I simply wish to highlight some of the healing properties of some of our more common garden plants that are contained in the Homeopathic Materia Medica.

2014-03-09 14.00.01I have some beautiful Hellebores plants in full flower. Hellebores (sometimes known as the Christmas or Lenten rose) are perennial garden plants that enjoy shady spots and flower in late winter and early spring.  

Homeopathic preparations of this plant are made from its root and have been used effectively for a range of conditions, primarily affecting the brain. These include coma, concussion, meningitis, night-blindness, epilepsy, depression and headaches. I would not suggest that this is a ‘First Aid’ homeopathic remedy for home prescribing but under the guidance of a professional homeopath, it can be very effective in alleviating symptoms in these often serious and debilitating conditions.

As I surveyed the grass that was once a lawn and contemplated getting the lawn mower out, I marvelled at the numerous daisies and wild violets that were intermingled amongst the grass and moss. The vibrant display of colour and their almost palpable energy made it impossible for me the cut them down in their prime. The lawn mower stayed in the barn!!

The common Daisy, better known to homeopaths as the remedy Bellis Perennis, is a widely known and well used remedy with many, 2014-03-09 14.01.25many healing properties. It is often regarded as a deeper acting Arnica and complementary to Calendula. The old name for the daisy is ‘Ground-wort’ or ‘Bruise-wort’.  The daisy is a flower that is repeatedly trodden on but always comes up ‘smiling’!! Deep bruising is one of the most common reasons it is prescribed.

Bellis Perennis is very useful in helping with deep bruising to soft tissue, including damage caused from surgical interventions. The clinical uses include; aches perhaps from overworked muscles, sprains and strains, swellings, tumours and cysts, varicose veins, giddiness in elderly people, gout and boils.

2014-03-09 14.00.30The wild Violet, that is prolific at this time of year, also has some wonderful healing properties. It is part of the Viola family which, when homeopathically prepared, is used for a range of conditions including  ear problems, headaches especially those caused from tension, worms in children, carpal tunnel of the wrists and rheumatism.

There are so many plants that I could mention, but for today, I will conclude with a comment about the majestic2014-03-09 14.02.40 yet dazzling spring flower, the Daffodil which is known homeopathically as Narcissus Poeticus. The word comes from the Greek ‘Narkao’ – ‘to be numb’ and this plant has amazing narcotic properties. This remedy is particularly useful for chronic coughs, especially of a nervous origin. It is useful for bronchitis, convulsive whooping cough, headaches. Be warned that it is not advisable to eat this plant, particularly the bulbs, as they can be poisonous in their raw state and can cause a nasty reactions.

It has been fun to pick out a few garden plants and share a brief insight with you about their homeopathic uses.  There are so many to explore and learn about but right now, it’s time to enjoy some more of the glorious sunshine. Adieu until next time.

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What a beautiful day!! Connect with the Earth’s Energy …..

CamelliaWhat an absolutely beautiful morning! Crisp, clear and calm with wonderful blue skies and continuous sunshine. Whatever else is going on in the world or in my life, enjoying these incredible days is uplifting and inspiring. The camellia bushes in my garden are, at last, emerging from their winter sleep and are bursting open in a blaze of vibrant, energetic colour. Watching Mother Nature awaken and come to life once again, never fails to fill me with awe and a great sense of humility.

Whilst out walking my dog this morning, I was reflecting on the fact that it won’t be long before I can, once again, walk barefoot in the garden. Living in the UK makes this a bit uncomfortable during the winter months! Connecting with the Earth’s natural energy is such an important thing to do for our health and well-being and something that many of us may not do from one year to another. Generations ago, there was no such thing as synthetic floor coverings, man-made shoes and insulation. We used to walk barefoot or wear leather shoes, we slept on natural fibres on the floor. We were not bombarded with electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from all the modern gadgets and gizmo’s that we have all around us these days. These, apparently, everyday necessities come at a cost for most of us and I don’t mean in financial terms.  


Walking barefoot and having direct contact with the Earth allows our bodies to ‘let go’ of the build up of this damaging electrical charge in a natural and energising way. Equally as important is that we are ‘recharged’ by the Earth’s natural, gentle negative charge that can flow into our body.

We are bio-electrical creatures who live on an electrical planet. Many of us ensure that our houses are ‘earthed’ and that electricity is safely discharged into the earth. We should also make sure that we do this for our own bodies too. How many of us sleep with our bed pushed up against the wall? Are there electrical sockets on either side of the bed? Is your head constantly positioned between these sockets? Do you sleep on a bed that stands off the floor and on a carpet that has a rubber underlay or other man-made floor covering? 

There are a lot of studies that show that ‘earthing’ reduces all sorts of health complaints, including poor sleep, inflammatory conditions, chronic pain and fatigue, lack of energy. 

I have slept on an ‘earthing’ sheet for about a year now and can honestly say that my sleep improved and my energy levels improved. I certainly miss my sheet if I have to sleep without it. I also have a couple of earthing mats that I put my feet on when sitting at my desk or relaxing watching the television. These products are a great substitute for connecting to the Earth directly and they do their job very well, but whenever possible it is great to walk barefoot on the Earth, preferably on a wonderful sandy beach or a lush green meadow – but just hanging out the washing in the garden gives me an opportunity the touch base with the Earth! 

I am not sharing this to sell any products … I will leave it up to you to source the right products for you but I definitely advise that you look into the whole ‘earthing’ subject. I think you will find it interesting and worth some thought.

This article from Dr. Mercola’s website is very helpful and gives a short video trailer to an amazing film called The Grounded. Watch it if you can.

Here is another link to an informative website at The Earthing Institute.

There are many different companies offering ‘earthing’ products and there are many videos on You Tube about the subject. Get informed – it just might make a difference to your health.

asyra plus computer


For those of you who have read a bit about me, you will know that I am a Holistic Practitioner using, amongst other therapies, Bio-Energetic health screening – this is a system that reads and assesses the energy in the body and detects imbalances and deficiencies. Have a look at my previous article about Asyra Health Screening to find out more and check out my webpage.


Spring is on it’s way … new beginnings, new energy and new focus!


It brings joy to the heart and lifts the soul to see the stunning beauty of the recently emerged snowdrops and the vibrant colours of the daffodils on my daily ‘dog walk’.

Despite all the dreadful weather with the unrelenting rain, nature has a wonderful way of reminding us that it is possible to rebound from adversity, often in a stronger and more energised way.

Fortunately, the problems suffered in my immediate locality. from the incessant storms, paled into insignificance in comparison to the misfortune of others in the country, or even elsewhere in the county of Kent.

The energy of the awakening of Mother Nature is almost palpable and I know that I am resonating with some of those energy frequencies. As you will see, I have totally revamped these blog pages. Much has happened since I first tentatively dipped my toe into the sea of internet blogging, a good few years ago. I have come to recognise and appreciate the value and necessity of connecting through this medium.

It is my intention to ‘blog’ on a regular basis on various topics, covering natural and holistic health issues, homeopathy, life style issues, organic and environmental topics and any other thing I find interesting or worthy of sharing!

If you would like to join me on this new journey, please follow my blog. If there any particular topics you’d like me to cover from a healthcare or homeopathic point of view, do let me know.

Until next time, stay safe, be healthy … Life is Getting Better!!

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In the beginning ……….

This is where I begin – I have never written a blog before or even commented on anyone elses blog. This is, therefore, a steep learning curve for me, but in my quest to keep up with the times I have decided to start this narrative. I hope to share some of my interests with you and perhaps evoke some thoughts that will lead to postive comment and debate.

My journey through life, so far, has been eventful but not exceptional. I will endeavour to give you a glimpse of who I am and what makes me ‘tick’ as well as sharing some of the things I have learnt and highlighting the things I feel are important.

Starting with my name seems like a pretty good place to begin ……….. I am Donna – some of you may have known me as Donna Goodman – that was when I was young and single (seems so long ago!), some of you may have known me as Donna Sinclair – that was when I was married to my first husband and the rest of you will know me as Donna Draper – currently married to my second husband!

I am one of three children, born to wonderful parents, Ron & Audrey and to whom I owe so much. I grew up in Ramsgate in the Kent, enjoying a happy childhood and school life. I left school midway through my sixth-form studies – attracted to the bright lights of London I joined the Metropolitan Police in 1975 – thus began a 26 year career policing our great Capital. Perhaps on another occasion I will share some of the highlights of my career with you, but let me say that I certainly learned a great deal about human nature in those hectic and demanding years!

As I approached retirement from the police, I was able to realise an ambition that I had forgone when I left school early. In some ways I regretted not taking my ‘A’ levels and progressing in the ‘normal’ manner to University. Both my sister and brother had taken this course but it had eluded me, principally because I had another agenda when I was 17 years old! In the late 1990’s, Westminster University pioneered a BSc Honours Degree course in Homeopathy and Health Sciences. All my adult life I had been an enthusiastic follower and advocate of homeopathic medicine. I had at variuous times undertaken some ‘distance – learning’ courses to further my knowledge & understanding of homeopathy but this was never formalised or ever became in any way structured. To cut a longer story short – I applied and was accepted on the Degree Course and started on a new phase of my life. Both my desire to achieve an academic recognition of my abilities, coupled with my love of the subject and desire to have the knowledge to be able to help people if I possibly could, fulfilled and inspired me. I am as passionate about homeopathy today as I have always been and simply want to share that enthusiasm with anyone who wants to listen.

I live and work in a small village called Worth, which is situated just outside the Cinque Port of Sandwich, in Kent on the South East coast of England. I have patients come to see me from a wide surrounding area, including Thanet (Ramsgate, Margate, Broadstairs), Dover, Deal and Canterbury. Have a look at my website for more information regarding my practice.

As regards interests – they are varied and too many to mention but I love play my classical guitar (not expertly but enough to give me a modicum of pleasure!), I have an eclectic taste in music – more about that another day! I love my Labradoodle (a dog) – Toby and have four chickens that torment him on a daily basis! I am a keen supporter of organic food & sustainable farming. I am interested in all things to do with nature and wildlife and despair at some of the terrible things that we (as a human race) are doing to this wondrous planet of ours – let alone to the indigenous populations that try to live their lives without torment and cruelty.

Up until now, I haven’t mentioned family – that’s because this is any area that I will expand upon in later correspondence. Family values are at the heart of my existence – I will explain what that means to me (and to them) one day soon.

I hope that this potted précis of me gives you a little insight into me ………… I’ll be back soon!